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Group Rates SkiWelt

The advantages for your busses at the bottom stations Hopfgarten and Itter:

  • bituminised parking areas for busses directly at the bottom stations Hopfgarten and Itter
  • reachable easy and without any grades from highway exit Wörgl-Ost
  • only one hour from Munich, Salzburg or Innsbruck to SkiWelt

Group rate for more than 20 persons, all skipasses must be paid from one person (tour guide). You receive 1 free pass per 20 paid passes. The driver can decide between a free pass or € 12,00 in cash.

  • SkiWelt Wilder Kaiser-Brixental: Hopfgarten-Itter-Brixen-Westendorf-Söll-Scheffau-Ellmau-Going
  • youth tariff for age group born 2006-2008
  • children tariff for age group 2009-2018, 2019 and younger are free
  • a passport is for purchase of all youth and children tickets necessary
  • All tariffs plus EUR 2.00 deposit for reusable Key Card! This deposit will be refunded to you in full on presentation of an undamaged card at the ticket offices or at autmated return machines!

Please note that for access control purposes a reference photo of the lift ticket holder is recorded on our system the first time the holder passes through a camera-equipped turnstile. The lift staff will compare this reference photo with any other photos recorded when the holder passes through any subsequent camera-equipped turnstiles.
The reference photo will be deleted immediately upon expiry of the lift ticket, other photos at the latest 30 minutes after the holder has passed through any further turnstiles.
Please note that it is also possible to acquire lift tickets which are configured in such a way that no photo is recorded when the holder passes through a turnstile. But with such tickets the holder must be aware that s/he may be subjected to random checks by the lift staff.

Prices and facts are subject to change.